Sametel News

Announcement of Public Holidays – Liberation Day (30th April) and International Workerѕ’ Daу (1st May)

23/04/2022 | 23:26


Dear Customers, Partners, and all employees of SMT!

  • SAMETEL corporation would like to send all customers, partners, and all staff a happy, safe, and meaningful holiday!

  • SAMETEL corporation pleased to get you informed that on the Holidays of Liberation Day (30th April) and International Workerѕ' Daу as follows:

  • Holiday time-off: Saturday, April 30th, 2022 ~ Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022.

  • Return working time: Wednesday, May 4th, 2022.

announcement of public holidays  ?? liberation day  30th april  and international worker ? ?? da ?  1st may

Best regards,
​​​​​​​SAMETEL corporation

Gia Phat
Hotline Hotline